genre :


duration :

21 min

year :


effective :

Bass and instrumental ensemble [9 musicians] : trompette en sib (and bugle), saxophone I (sopranino and alto), saxophone II (alto and baritone), contrabassoon, guitar (and a third tones zither) or qanoun, harp, accordion and double bass

creation(s) :

July 31th, 2015 | Festival de Chaillol | Eglise du Hameau, France

editor :

Onoma éditions musicales

libretto :

Ugaritic text

Intention :

Sister of the god Baâl, Anath or Anat, goes to the Underworld to free her brother who is being held by another god and whose disappearance brings drought and the death of men.


Inspired by Ugaritic, religious and ritual texts, notably mythological fragments and mythical-magical tablets, the phonemes sung by the bass voice are a joyful invention. The music seems to come from the mists of time, developing an archaic sound dramaturgy.

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