
© DR

Galéjades is a participative artistic creation project conceived by the composer Thomas Keck and the writer Alice Pfister.


Cousins gather around a table and parody family meals. As usual with the French, they talk about food while they eat. Their discussions are an opportunity to address the issue of production and distribution channels, their aberrations, and to amplify in a comical, rocky way the stories they have heard and from which they invent (galéjades).



practical information

June 21th, 2019

With the participation of the Ensemble C Barré, Les petits violons des Calanques, the Aix-Marseille University Symphony Orchestra, the choirs, actors and art classes of the Collège Pythéas, the choirs of classes from the Vayssière 1 and 2 schools and the Busserine school, and the 1A students of the CFMI of Aix en Provence : Laure Bertran de Balanda, Allan Besset, Vincent Botta, Marie-José Coronel, Floriane Dardard, Sarah Gros, Matthieu Pommeret, Arthur Rendu, Natacha Tortillard and Johanna Verdier.

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