
© Hert Niks

The musicians of C Barré will accompany the soprano Sarah-Maria Sun in ]More Sweetly Forgot, the second work by Mikel Urquiza for the ensemble, and in Ararat by François Rossé, during this 9th edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Pharos, Cyprus.

This programme reflects the interest that 20th century Western composers have shown in the cultures of the East and the Far East up to the present day. Imbued with Greek, Chinese and Japanese poetry, or with great stories such as that of the Deluge, the very heart of the great Cypriot festival Kataklysmos, we will explore the works of Stravinsky, Britten, Xenakis, Markeas and Yiorgos Christofi, who was commissioned by the festival especially for our visit.

Echoing the theme of the festival, the Ensemble C Barré will resonate through an unprecedented instrumentarium combining classical Western instruments with traditional ones such as the doudouk, the bouzouki, the zither or the cymbalum.

Coproduction avec le Festival International de Musique Contemporaine de Pharos. Avec le soutien de la Sacem et de la Spedidam.

practical information

October 11th, 2017

With the participation of Sarah-Maria Sun [soprano], Joël Versavaud [doudouk & saxophone], Élodie Soulard [accordion], Claudio Bettinelli [percussion], Vincent Beer Demander [bouzouki], Thomas Keck [guitar & 1/3 tone zither], Cyril Dupuy [cymbalum] and Ébastien Boin [musical direction].



Iannis Xenakis [1922-2001] | Nyuyo | Saxophone, bouzouki, guitar and cymbalum | 1985 | 11′.
Igor Stravinsky [1882-1971] | Three poems of Japanese Lyricism | Saxophone, bouzouki, guitar and cymbalum | 1912-13 | 4′
Benjamin Britten [1913-1976] | Songs from the Chinese | Soprano and guitar | 1957 | 10′.
Alexandros Markeas [1965] | Taximi | bouzouki and electronics | 2003 | 9′.
Yiorgos Christofi [1982] | …a little note | Doudouk/saxophone, vibraphone, guitar, and cymbalum | 2017 | 5′ | world premiere
Mikel Urquiza [1988] | ]More Sweetly Forgot | Soprano, saxophone, accordion and double bass | 2017 | 10′ | world premiere
François Rossé [1945] | Ararat | Soprano, doudouk/saxophone, accordion, percussion, bouzouki, 1/3 tone zither and cymbalum | 11′ | world premiere

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