Géraldine Keller




Soprano, vocalist, lyric artist, her preferred repertoire is rooted in the creation of contemporary works, privileging the complementarity of written and improvised music. Carried away from the plastic arts towards sound exploration, she has since traced an open path associating other practices: contemporary dance, musical theater, object theater, poetry, performance. Since 1992, she has been invited by a number of musical ensembles, theatrical companies and French and European festivals. She has contributed closely to the creation of numerous works by today’s composers, including François Rossé, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Hans Joachim Hespos, Vinko Globokar, Martin Matalon, and Sebastian Rivas. Through these encounters, she has forged a lasting bond with the Bordeaux-based ensemble Proxima Centauri, the Ars Nova ensemble, and the Cie Le Grain-Théâtre de la Voix. Since 2006, she has been a member of the European Ensemble ]h[iatus, which offers courses combining written pieces and improvisations.

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